Chase Dance

5.0 ★★★★★

Chase Dance, Perth’s specialist in teaching wedding dance lessons, providing a safe and comfortable learning environment so you can enjoy your first dance with confidence.

Relaxed and encouraging wedding dance lessons to suit you and your partner. Fun and exciting moves that are easy to learn, creating a personalised bridal dance to your chosen wedding song.

Wedding Dance Lessons Chase Dance I Bridal Couple Yan + Alan

Do we have enough time?

It’s never too late to learn how to dance! Even if your wedding day is in less than a weeks’ time, we can teach you how to accomplish the seemingly impossible and get you feeling happy and confident in no time at all.

Will my partner enjoy it?

Yes! Within minutes you’ll be laughing and enjoying yourselves. You’ll both quickly discover how much fun your first dance can be as you learn cool and impressive moves that will have you both feeling fantastic!

Wedding Dance Lessons Chase Dance I Photographer Huemen Media I Bridal Couple Anna + Matt

We want to look good!

You will look amazing! With expert advice and selection of moves, you’ll experience just how quick and easy it is to learn the steps.  This will guarantee you a memory that will be treasured by all, and last a lifetime.

How much does it cost?

Chase Dance has extensive knowledge in teaching wedding dance lessons and will help you find the right wedding dance package to suit you and your budget. Even if your budget only allows for a few lessons, you’ll be amazed at just how much you can learn!

Wedding Dance Lessons Chase Dance I Photographer Folktales I First Dance Couple Evelyn + Tim

What Our Clients Say!

Chase Dance is ranked #1 on Google with over 300+ 5-Star Reviews! Discover what all the bridal couples have to say about their experience learning their first dance with Chase Dance!

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