Wedding Dance Lessons Chase Dance I Photographer Kevin McGinn Photography I First Dance Couple Ashy + Ryan


Chase Dance is located at 5 / 10-12 Law Street, Morley with ample parking out the front. This private, spacious home studio is the perfect location to learn your first dance.

Dance Studio Location

The polished wooden floors are perfect for turns and spins, which will feature in your first dance. Feel at ease in air-conditioned comfort while you learn. Additionally, there are high ceilings for those who are wanting to include lifts in their wedding dance.

Chase Dance's dance studio space featuring mirrors, wooden floor and hand sanitiser.

Waiting Room

As you enter Chase Dance to begin your first dance lessons, a relaxing and quiet waiting room is provided. As you’re putting on your dance shoes, be inspired by all the brides and grooms that grace the walls. They have accomplished so much learning their first dance, just like you will! Our signature book showcases many photos and testimonials that you can browse through at your leisure.

Chase Dance's waiting room where you can sit and relax while you put on your dance shoes before the lesson. Featuring comfy chairs, mirror, photobook, pictures and awards.


Chase Dance is proud be a Wedding Industry Award winner! In the Western Australia Dance Studio Division, Chase Dance has won four times in a row! Also placing Top 5 nationally in 2021 in the same category.

AWIA + ABIA Awards

How do I book?

All the information you need to book wedding dance lessons with Chase Dance can be found on our FAQs page.